CARING CAMPUS is a quality respite care training program especially designed for college students and young adults. This program will help to them gain job skills as they continue their educational goals.

Upon completion of the course you may enter the Caring Network, a National Respite Care Registry that is available to families. Agencies can also access this registry to provide you with other opportunities in the disabilities field.

Caring Campus Course Promo Video

Learn how to care for children with disabilities and provide respite care. CARING CAMPUS is a program that prepares college aged students and other adults to offer first-rate care for children who have mild to moderate disabilities and/or enter the field of special education some day. Caring for a child with special needs can be a 24-hour-a-day job, with limited downtime to take care of family matters, catch a movie or just relax on the sofa. Parents of children with disabilities desperately need a break to rest, relieve stress and get re-energized. Respite care for a child with disabilities is something that every parent asks for, but few ever get.

Unlike families of typical children, who can hire a neighborhood teenager to baby-sit when they need a night out, respite care requires someone with training and confidence to tend to the child’s needs.

Training Topics

Role and responsibility of the Respite Care Provider

Disability information and awareness

Communication issues

Behavior management



Assistive/adaptive equipment

and much much more!

" I loved the course and now I feel more comfortable helping kids with disabilities now" Dover DE Student

" I learned so much! I am going to use the Respite Care Certificate to get into grad school. College Student from Washington County, MD

"I am going to tell all my friends. I loved learning about seizures, autism and the disability exercises". College Junior from Chantilly, VA

Caring Campus Certificate

A personalized certificate will be e-mailed to you to proudly showing that you have completed the Caring Teens Course and are now ready to serve families of children with disabilities by providing respite care for them.

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